Required Forms

Application for enrollment may be made at Explore More at any time by requesting our Enrollment Application via email. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted when there is an opening. Families will be required to visit Explore More with the children intending to be enrolled to go through an interview process. I will not care for children and families that I have not yet met. During this visit, we will answer your questions and provide you with critical information about our facility. This visit provides an introduction to us and the environment which will help reduce first-day fears. After a successful initial interview and tour of the premises, families wishing to move forward into a contractually binding care agreement must turn in the following completed paperwork before the first day of care:

·      Signed contract & policy awareness form

·      Parent/guardian & child information

·      Emergency contacts & authorized pickup persons

·      Record of immunizations

·      Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization form

·      Child and family personal history questionnaire

·      Privacy Permission Agreement

·      Over the Counter and Prescribed medication form, as applicable

·      Transportation agreement

·      Permission to use high-risk equipment agreement

·      Signed field trip form


Hours of Attendance

Children’s hours are set at enrollment times. These are the times we use to figure out regulations and schedule other children in our program.

All new children will be cared for on a two-week trial period beginning on your child’s first actual day of care. During that time, the parent/guardian or provider may terminate the childcare agreement with 24 hours’ notice. 

We attempt to be flexible in our enrollment policies to suit the needs of individual families therefore on occasion we will enroll an older school age child. The trial period is the same for all children and will be to determine a proper fit for the newly enrolled child and the children already enrolled at Explore More. Registrations are accepted subject to availability of care slots.

Intent to Enroll Children & Holding Fees

Slots at Explore More are filled on a first-come first-served, best fit basis. Until signed paperwork is turned in, your spot in childcare is not guaranteed. If a family wishes to enroll their child(ren) with Explore More but does not wish to begin right away a non-refundable holding fee must be paid weekly to guarantee the slot. Without payment of the holding fee, space in childcare is not guaranteed and parent(s)/guardian(s) risk the space being given to other families. The weekly holding fee is determined by the length of time you wish to hold the space. 

Hold slot for 2 weeks = 25% of tuition rate, paid weekly in advance

Hold slot for 3 weeks = 50% of tuition rate, paid weekly in advance

Hold slot for 4 weeks = 75% of tuition rate, paid weekly in advance

Hold slot for 5 or more weeks = 100% of tuition rate, paid weekly in advance



Should there be a need for a waitlist of children due to ratio limits, children are added to the list on a first-come first-served basis. Siblings of currently enrolled children will receive priority placement on the waitlist when possible.