Rates may increase annually during contract renewal time. All families will receive the latest policy handbook and rate schedule no later than the first business day in August each year. Signed contracts are due back within ten business days. If contracts are not returned by the last business day in August and no arrangements have been made, your childcare slot may be forfeited. 

Infant (6 weeks to 12 months)

Full Time (25+ hours/week): $250 Part Time (24 or less hours/week): $200

Toddler (13 months to 36 months)

Full Time (25+ hours/week): $240 Part Time (24 or less hours/week): $190

Preschool (37 months until start of Kindergarten)

Full Time (25+ hours/week): $230 Part Time (24 or less hours/week): $180

School Age (Kindergarten+)

Full Time (25+ hours/week): $210 Part Time (24 or less hours/week): $160

The weekly fee includes meals and snacks. Charges for ill children, parent/guardian vacation, provider vacation, and provider holidays shall be in accordance with the age of the child and service rates above. 


The weekly tuition reserves your child(ren)’s slot for the week. You are purchasing a time slot instead of paying for the hours of care received, so you have a guaranteed place for your child.

Payments are due on Friday morning, before noon of each week unless prior arrangements with the director have been made or a late fee will be charged. Basic rates are set and does not change regardless of missed attendance. Explore More will only accept direct deposit payments from Voucher Programs. Voucher programs will no longer pay for weeks that the client is not in school or working. The client will be responsible to pay Explore More directly for weeks not covered. We cannot bill DHHS for hours/days children are not in attendance. If you are using these payment methods, be sure your child attends regularly or we will be forced to reduce your enrollment slot to a part time basis which may not work for you and your family. If we enroll you as a full time slot, we need to be able to bill as full time.

Upon admission, Explore More will ask you to list the times your child will be in childcare. These are the times we are scheduling your child in childcare; we schedule other children in the childcare around these times. It is imperative that if your childcare times need to be changed, you must meet with Brooke Nadeau and talk about the change of schedules, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

We accept PayPal (@exploremoredaycare), Venmo (@exploremoredaycare), CashApp ($exploremoredaycare), cash and checks as forms of payment. You can also pay on Brightwheel.

Registration Fee

There is a one time registration fee of $100 for Explore More Daycare. This fee covers administrative costs involved with interviewing your family, processing your application, creating a new child file, and configuring billing.

Return Check Fee

A charge of $40.00 will be assessed for any returned checks plus an additional late fee of $10.00 per day until payment is paid in full.

Late Pick Up / Early Drop Off

Fees are based on your enrollment times. A charge will be assessed for pickups after your designated time or drop offs before your designated time indicated upon enrollment. A charge of $10 plus $1 per minute will be added to the next scheduled billing for early drop off or late pick up.

Late Tuition Payments

In the event a weekly childcare payment is not made by Friday at noon, a $10 charge will be added on the daily total each day the payment is not made, including weekends, for the first offense. A second offense within a 3-month period will incur late fees of $15 per day, including weekends. A third offense within a 3-month period of the second offense will incur late fees of $25 per day, including weekends. If no payment has been made by Monday morning at any time, your child(ren) will not be allowed to attend childcare until payment is made. Explore More reserves the right to terminate childcare services on the basis of non-payment. Should it become necessary to go to court over non-payment of fees owed, court and attorney fees will also be added to your bill.

Damaged Property

It is the expectation that children entering the childcare facility understand and respect all property on the premises including but not limited to toys, play equipment, furniture, pets, books, etc. If your child is directly observed treating something inappropriately which results in property being damaged, you will be billed for replacement.