Emergency information is kept on file at the daycare. In case of illness or injury this information will be used to notify you or the person designated by you of your child’s status. If your child is injured while at the daycare, first aid will be administered following the knowledge I have obtained as part of my Adult, Child & Infant First Aid & CPR training. If treatment by a doctor is necessary, we will make every effort to contact you or the doctor you have chosen to treat your child. In all cases, an injury report is completed, and a copy is given to the parent(s)/guardian(s) as well as a copy kept in the child’s portfolio for the Department of Children’s Licensing.

Authorization for emergency treatment must be signed at the time of enrollment to ensure that in the event of an emergency, we can make sure your child receives the necessary emergency treatment they need. It is very important that all emergency contact information is kept up to date and correct. Please inform us immediately of any changes to keep your information current. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for all costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including emergency transportation if required. 

Monthly fire safety drills and evacuation drills will be run and your child’s participation is mandatory; to include stop, drop, and roll. For all other emergency response procedures, please refer to the Emergency Preparedness Response Action Plan.

Medical Emergencies

In the event of a serious accident or sudden illness requiring immediate medical attention, the following procedures will be followed:

1.     Immediate first aid will be given

2.     A phone call to 911 is made, paramedic recommendations are followed

3.     Child’s parent/guardian (or emergency contacts) are called

4.     Child is separated from the other children and appropriately cared for

5.     Parent(s)/guardian(s) or ambulance takes the child and health records to the doctor or hospital

Parents/guardians are responsible for any expenses as a result of emergency room care, ambulance, etc. The hospital used for emergencies is St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center.

Reporting Serious Injury

Maine law requires childcare providers to report serious injuries that require medical treatment by a healthcare professional or emergency room occurring during childcare. Serious injury or illness is an even that occurs or is observed during regular facility hours while on site, during an off-site facility-sponsored event, or during an after-hours facility-sponsored event.

Serious injury or illness is defined as the following:

·      An injury or illness which requires medical attention from medical personnel including, but not limited to, an emergency room visit and/or hospitalization

·      Any reportable illness listed as a Notifiable Disease or Condition by the Maine Center for Disease Control (A copy of this is available upon request)

·      Accidents resulting in serious injury to children as defined above. Accidents include injuries that are the result of an incident involving transportation to or from a facility-sponsored event.

Explore More will use a serious injury/accident reporting form to report accidents as required by licensing rule #5.C.11.H. A copy of the completed form will be kept in the child’s file and provided to parent(s)/guardian(s). If you would like to see a copy of this rule, please ask. Serious injuries will be reported to the Child Care Licensing Unit at 827-9300 within 24 hours.

Emergency Preparedness

Under certain unsafe conditions we may be instructed to or feel it necessary to perform emergency evacuation or lockdown procedures to ensure the safety of the children and adults here at Explore More. Understanding each situation is unique and that no one plan will accommodate the many different possibilities that may occur while the children are in our care; we have outlined an in-depth plan to protect the children and adults at our facility. You may review a copy of the detailed plan upon request but below is a brief explanation of the plan.

It is our hope that we do not ever need to use these emergency plans, however, it is our responsibility to ensure the safety of everyone here at Explore More. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

The types of natural or human-caused disaster situations that could currently happen in this area are:

·      Fire – structure or wildland

·      Winter storm

·      Loss of power, water, heat

·      Windstorm including tornado and hurricane

·      Flood

·      Hazard (chemical) release

·      Earthquake

·      Intruder

·      Pandemic

Immediate Area Threat (Fire, major building problem)

·      Leave the childcare facility immediately, gathering in the shed (as practiced in drills).

Widespread Threat (chemical spill, wildfire)

·      Leave the childcare facility immediately, following directions to transportation vehicles.

·      Transportation will be provided in the safest manner available to the Turner Fire Station.

Mass Ordered Evacuation (declared state of emergency)

·      Leave the building and evacuate to a mass shelter as determined by the Red Cross and/or local Emergency Personnel.

When the decision is made to evacuate, the provider will make the announcement in the most expeditious and non-threatening way possible that everyone needs to evacuate the building.

Evacuation Procedure:

1.     Account for all children, staff and visitors during the evacuation process

2.     Children 2 and under will be evacuated together using portable equipment with wheels as appropriate

3.     In case of the need to evacuate through the windows, children will be placed out windows first, using any items available to place them on the ground

4.     Once all children are safely evacuated, 911 will be called

5.     Coordinate all actions with community public safety and/or emergency management officials

6.     Determine alternate shelter to be used based on situation

7.     Transport all necessary medications, supplies, records, emergency numbers, and cell phone

8.     Parents/guardians will be notified of the evacuation and alternate shelter information

9.     Make arrangements for support of children at alternate shelter until reunited with families and return to evacuated facility

Shelter-in-Place: In case of the need to stay put due to a local disaster or on notification from authorities, the following procedures will be followed:

1.     Children will be taken to a safe interior space/room, as practiced in drills. Emergency kits with food (including formula), diapers, toys, and water and the first aid kit are stored in a secured, easily accessible, space from the safe room.

2.     Shut all windows and door, lock and/or pull blinds

3.     Cell phone will be brought into the safe room with the provider

4.     Emergency contact information forms are kept with the supplies

5.     Supplies for sealing the room are stored in the emergency kit

6.     Parents/guardians will be notified once the immediate threat has passed

For Hazard that Impacts Healthy Air Quality

1.     Close all fireplace dampers

2.     Close off nonessential rooms, such as storage areas and bedrooms

3.     Turn off ventilation systems including fans, heating and air conditioning

4.     Tape door cracks

5.     Place a damp towel or blanket at bottom of door opening

6.     When the all-clear is given, go outside until childcare facility is well-ventilated

Utility Disruption (heat, water, electricity)

If utilities are disrupted, the decision to close or delay opening of the childcare facility will be based on the following factors:

1.     The temperature on thermostats registers 64 or below or 85 or higher for 1 hour, with no expectation of improvement, and/or the room conditions prevent adequate ventilation and breathing

2.     The light in the childcare is diminished to the point that children are at risk

3.     The nutritional needs of the children cannot be met

4.     Loss of water that disrupts appropriate diapering, hand washing, and toileting with clean running water for more than 1 hour

5.     Live wires will require the immediate closing of the childcare facility and the transfer of the children to an alternate site

The provider will begin calling/texting parents/guardians to inform them of the situation after 1 hour of disrupted service. This time period will allow for assessment of the situation and provide families with as much accurate information as available.

Procedures for Monthly Fire Drill

1.     Talk to the children about the drill (the bell/alarm, rules and procedures for vacating the building)

2.     Evacuate the building. No one can stop for coats or any other personal items. Provider collects emergency bag, clipboard, cell phone, medicine box and counts the children. Everyone should go to the shed off the tar side of the driveway.

3.     Return to the building. The provider gives approval to reenter the building.

4.     Document the fire drill. Provider records date, time, number of children, number of caregivers, location of emergency, method of alarm, exit used, head count, and total time to evacuate

Response to Fires

·      If a fire/smoke is discovered, immediately begin evacuation following the evacuation procedures and call 911

·      Do not take risks. Personal safety and that of the children come first.

Severe Weather
Windstorm/Winter Storm/Ice Storm, Hurricane/Severe Lightning Storm

·      Monitor storm watch, warnings, blizzard warnings, or travel advisories.

·      Secure outside equipment

·      Check status of cell phone battery and alternate light sources

·      Remain indoors until storm passage is confirmed, away from large windows where trees and power lines may be present

·      If it is unsafe to remain at the childcare facility, provider will assess whether an alternate site is a safe backup and evacuate the children to that location following evacuation procedures

·      If there is any question about damage to childcare facility, no one will re-enter the building until emergency personnel have surveyed and cleared the building for occupancy.


Heavy rains can cause flooding. If childcare facility is threatened by flooding, law enforcement or fire officials may order an evacuation of the facility. We will follow the procedures for evacuation if this occurs, or the procedure for windstorms if we can safely remain in place


·      All persons including adults will be instructed to DROP, COVER AND HOLD as soon as the shaking starts

·      As soon as the shaking stops, childcare facility will be evacuated

·      Basic damage assessment of the facility will be done by the provider

·      If there is no fire or other life hazard, children will get their shoes and coats

·      If the building cannot be re-entered, we will evacuate to one of the evacuation sites

·      Injuries will be dealt with by those trained in First Aid. If the injuries are severe and the decision is made not to move the victim, an adult will be assigned to provide care

·      The evacuation kits will be secured and transported with the children if possible

·      Parents/guardians will be notified by text/call of status and if needed, of the evacuation site

Intruder Hazard

Perimeter Issues/Playground Clearance (unknown animals, suspicious parked vehicles, loiterers)

1.     Immediately require any children outside to go inside

2.     Close and lock the doors of the childcare facility and remove the children to the designated safe location within the facility

3.     Call police to investigate the situation and consult with them to determine the level of potential crisis

4.     Evacuate the childcare facility if emergency services make this request. Consider whether existing evacuation route will suffice or if an alternate route must be taken due to the location of the incident

5.     Remain in lock-down until emergency personnel provide the all-clear

Potentially Violent Situation

1.     Immediately call 911 and seek advice on how to handle the situation

2.     Try to isolate the potential aggressor from as many children as possible. Do not physically restrain or block their movements

3.     Try to engage the potential aggressor in agreeable conversation to de-escalate the situation

4.     Once police arrive, if a decision is made to relocate to an alternate site, the provider will follow the appropriate evacuation procedures

Random Acts of Violence in the Area

1.     Close and lock the doors of the childcare facility and remove the children to the designated safe location within the facility

2.     Call 911

3.     Once police arrive, if a decision is made to relocate to an alternate site, the provider will follow the appropriate evacuation procedures

Hazardous Materials (substances that are flammable, explosive, or if a hazardous materials accident occurs within close proximity of the childcare facility)

·      Provider will notify the fire department and evacuate, or shelter-in-place as directed by emergency personnel

 Chemical Release

Hazardous chemicals can be released from industrial plants or transportation vehicles, such as tanker trucks or cargo train cars

·      If the childcare facility is threatened by a hazardous chemical release, law enforcement or fire officials may order evacuation or shelter-in-place

·      If needed to evacuate, parents/guardians will be notified through text/call of the evacuation location

·      If sheltering-in-place, parents/guardians will be notified by text/call that the facility doors cannot be opened to allow children out of the facility. Parents/guardians will be contacted once the shelter-in-place order is lifted and the all-clear is given and it is safe for pick-up of children

·      A note will be placed on the front door explaining that shelter-in-place was ordered. Parents/guardians will be instructed to get in their car and leave the area immediately. Parents/guardians will be contacted as soon as it is safe for them to pick up their children


In the event of a pandemic, the following procedures will be followed:

·      Proper sanitation processes and procedures will be followed and enforced, to include frequent and thorough hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and sanitizing and disinfecting materials and equipment

·      Drop-off and pick-up procedures may be staggered or altered to limit contact among families

·      Children and staff will be screened for symptoms upon arrival at childcare and periodically throughout the day

·      Children who present symptoms will be excluded from childcare until symptom-free for 72 hours

·      Children, families and staff who have been in close contact with people who are sick will be excluded from childcare for 10 days

·      Families who travel out of the state will be excluded from care for 72 hours

·      Children who present symptoms during the day at childcare must be picked up immediately

·      In the event of provider illness, childcare will be closed until symptom free for 72 hours

·      In the event of staff illness, the number of children allowed in care may be reduced to follow child/staff ratios as required by Licensing regulations

·      Parents/guardians must have back-up care if childcare is temporarily closed, or enrollment is temporarily reduced

·      Confirmed illness will be reported to the CDC

·      Explore More will follow all other CDC and DHHS recommendations and all other state and federal childcare guidance protocols

Emergency Evacuation Location

In the event of fire and evacuation drills, children WILL NOT be taken off the premises. During all drills, children will meet in the shed off the tar driveway which is approximately 500 feet away from the center. IF it is determined that the evacuation site that is on-site is not safe and evacuation will be required for a prolonged amount of time, we will transfer to the Turner Fire Station. Parents will be informed of the need to relocate in a timely manner.