Children 1-2 years old will be given whole milk, unless the child’s parent/guardian and health care provider have submitted a written request that the child be fed low-fat milk or non-dairy milk substitute. At 2 years old, they switch to 2% milk.

Toddlers think with their bodies. They must have an ample supply of age-appropriate, stimulating toys and equipment for development, both physically and intellectually. A toddler’s day will consist of eating, sleeping and unstructured play with a minimum amount of time spent in structured group activities. Toddlers accumulate at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day through games and movement activities such as marching with musical instruments, music songs accompanied by physical action, or acting out stories with lots of vigorous movement. A minimum of at least 60 minutes is provided for unstructured, vigorous play. Children this age need role models in order to learn appropriate speech patterns, so they need to spend lots of time talking to adults and listening to books, records, and tapes. Toddlers need lots of love with firm nurturing guidance. They are very self-centered at this development stage.

Please feel free to bring a toddler’s security blanket or stuffed toy for use with quiet/nap times. Sleeping occurs in designated areas on individual sleeping mats. The sleeping area is open and easily monitored by both visual and auditory means. Sleeping mats are stored stacked away from any usage except sleeping. Children are not required to nap in the older toddler group. However, there will be a quiet time. Children will have the opportunity to watch educational programming, appropriate videos or read a book. This is a time to quiet down and regroup. If a child wishes to sleep/nap they may.

Toilet learning is discussed with individual parents/guardians as the need arises. Explore More does not believe in pushing a child, but in letting each go at their own pace. Before learning to make use of the toilet can even begin a child must be able to communicate their needs verbally and able to dress themselves, in regards to their pants. Toilet learning is not about the adult taking responsibility, but the child accepting and enjoying this very grown-up responsibility. Pull-ups or diapers will be required until two weeks without an accident.