The program owner (Brooke) is on site at all times during regular business hours. In the event of an emergency that she must leave, parents/guardians will be notified. Amanda Hebert has been background checked and fingerprinted and is also authorized to care for the children. Should Brooke ever need to leave, Amanda will be on site.

Children are supervised closely at Explore More. The provider can see and hear all children at all times. Children aged 2 and under are in the provider’s line of sight at all times, except when the provider is attending to personal needs. During this time, the provider has visual and auditory supervision on all children via cameras within the house. The safety of all children is assured by the use of child safety gates and careful assessment of activities.

Safety, cleanliness and privacy for all children are of utmost importance while diapering, potty learning and toileting.

Sleeping children are checked visually every 15 minutes.

During outdoor play, children are to remain in the play yard or driveway. At that time, vehicle use of the driveway is prohibited by safety tents and supervision is maintained. Children are closely monitored at all times that sprinkler and other water play is offered.

No child can be left unattended in a vehicle at any time on the premises of Explore More.

Children are not permitted to leave the childcare home without being accompanied by a responsible adult. The person removing the child must be authorized by the parent/guardian.

When child-staff ratios are exceeded or there is an emergency, every attempt will be made to locate temporary emergency staffing, usually Amanda. If unsuccessful, some parents/guardians may be asked to pick up their children.